I've got a lot to cover - no lengthy prose for this post (well, sort of...). It's late here - early in the US - and I've got to get to bed...so here we go...
This is how the executives arrive at work in their chauffeur driver cars (disclaimer - Samsung is a client). I'm obsessed with the Hyundai Equus (the second car) which is the top luxury car here. The one in front of it is a Mercedes S class, which is not common to see here. They're giving iPads as the instruction manual with the 2011 models of the Equus. Not sure when it will make its way to the US, but trust me, it will.
The security guys in uniforms (which change daily and have a light blue and pink color scheme) wear white gloves to open the doors. If you've seen "The Devil Wears Prada" the executives entering and making their way to the elevators is very much like the opening scene of that movie. And I'm not over exaggerating...they have their doors opened by guys with white gloves on, okay?!

Among the 40+ companies Samsung owns, they also make cars through a relationship with Renault. But, I haven't seen these pull up in the front drive...

I met new friends of friends this past weekend - and we became FAST friends. Colorado, North Carolina, wicked sarcastic senses of humor. The Hello Kitty mask and poses for pictures sealed the deal. Need. I. Say. More.

I ate this at lunch after my hike a few weeks ago (still owe a lengthy post on that experience). I can't remember the Korean name, but this is acorn jello. Yes, acorn. Like the nut with the shell that falls from trees. Martha-Stewart-esque people probably have a bowl full of them on a table in the fall.
Acorn. Jello.
Well, it's just gross.

Apgujeong - it's a Dong (neighborhood) and this is one of the stores there - the lights change constantly. Pretty amazing. Tenth most expensive shopping street in the world. This building is The Galleria, but I don't think they have a Cinnabon, Claire's or Spencers...just sayin'

I got my first haircut by someone other than Felini for the first time since 1995. Jun-hyun - or Marc as it said on his station - was shy and didn't like to speak English. He did a great job. I left feeling like a Korean pop star.

McDonald's delivers here. Imagine if they did that in the US? As if we're not a fat enough nation!

I took a picture with a drag queen. I don't think this needs any more commentary.

Today I went for coffee after work at Dr. Fish. They serve much more than coffee. I had a cafe Americano with a 20 minute date with some skin eating fish.
Only in Korea.
Ah! It looks like you're having fun and meeting people! I love it!! Love your writing. So funny!